
Central Diastema closure by Drg. Henri Mudjono

Central diastema closure is one of the technique sensitive procedure in esthetic dentistry. The wide range of composit resin types and colors give us many chances of achieving perfect esthetic result. The minimal invasive method is preferable because the possibility to avoid tooth preparation and enabling the practicioner to remove the composite restoration without adverse effects to the surface of the treated teeth.

Central Diastema (before closure)

This case is a female, asian, 36 years old that concerns about the gap between her upper front teeth. The filling shown here uses microhybrid composite resin. First the mesial surfaces of the teeth are polished with pumice and etched to remove the pumice on the surface of the teeth. About 1 mm of resin is added on the cervical and insisal surfaces. The color chosen here is A3.5 on cervical and A2 on insisal. Placing the composite slightly labial masks the cervical gingivae but does not encroach upon it. Small increments of composites are added to fill the gap. The mylar strip was aligned so that the vertical margin was aligned with the axis of the teeth. The same procedure was made to the other tooth. After polishing with high speed polishing burs and low speed rubber wheels, the end result is shown.

Diastema closure

2 Kommentare:

  1. Dok,itu giginya diapain kok yg tdnya renggang bisa rapet lagi? Ajaib bgt sih...Dokter bisa sulap ya?;)

  2. hi violet,
    itu bukan disulap tapi disihir.. hahhaha
    sebetulnya diisi bahan tambal yang sewarna gigi, biar celahnya tertutup. :)
